Sunday, September 27, 2009

Daniel Dae Kim

I've made no secret on this blog that I'm a big, big fan of Daniel Dae Kim from Lost, even though the show itself lost my interest with this recent season.

Personally, I find the emphasis on time travel to be absolutely goofy and made a monkey out of what I always thought was the series's best and most unique characteristic, the Twin Peaks subtlety with which the supernatural and fantasy elements were handled.

"That's what all of them had been building towards? Time travel? Seriously?"

My critiques of the show aside, Daniel Dae Kim is a male Selma Hayek, an actor that Hollywood just doesn't know what to do with. I think he has the potential to be a great villain or hero.


Yachirobi said...

He's in the new Green Hornet movie, if that helps. Skinny Seth Rogen, Michael Gondry directing, Campy goodness. That's something to look forward to, right?

Esperanto Grrl said...

Is that right?

I have no knowledge of Green Hornet except what was in the Bruce Lee biopic. From that I extracted that the character had an Asian sidekick that, because of Bruce Lee's charisma, mystique and sheer physical skill, ultimately overshadowed the hero.

I think that's perfect casting! If it's any good, I'll take back what I said about Hollywood not knowing what to do with him.

Yachirobi said...

Actually, I don't think he's Kato but some side character. I don't know much else. But he'd make one HOT Kato!

The movie is also supposed to make fun of Kato outshining the Hornet. Despite the slenderizing, Rogen seems set up to play his usual schlub, which is sad. With that voice of his and his talent, he could play a heroic type. Imagine if he gained back all that weight as muscle!

His voice would probably remain his most attractive feature though. That and his personality which, if not outright sexy, makes him serious fantasy buddy material for me. (Yeah, I have fantasy celebrity buds. It's pathetic, but it's fun.)