Tuesday, December 22, 2009

King of the Stone Age, Part 1

I haven't written any real muscle growth fiction since a few false starts in the summer of '08, busy as I am with grad school. But I wanted to try my hand at it again.

King of the Stone Age, Part 1 (The Muscle Growth History of the World)

(Note: you have to be registered with musclegrowth.org to see. Don't worry, it's free.)

Essentially, the story is about a girl that flees from her tribe to be rescued by a superhandsome giant cave stud. The basic theory is that in the ancient past, bisexuality was more the norm for men and women. The story has a degree of sexual omnivorousness for that reason: guy on guy, girl on girl, and guy-girl. There isn't any outright sex in the first part, but just wait.

One of the characters is what today we would call "gay," who wears women's clothing. This is a social role found in many societies, notably Native American (Hopi) who have the role of the berdache.


Anonymous said...

I love it-especially the part where Firehair laughs at Thangor's defeating his opponent in both strength and load size. It's almost like you wrote that part in just for me : ).

Speaking of gender bending, did you read about eunuchs in Pakistan being legally able to claim their own gender now?

Anonymous said...

forgot to sign the above-Fabian

Esperanto Grrl said...

Great that you should say that Fabster, because I actually did write that part with you in mind...or at least those that enjoyed that element of my previous stories!