Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Natural Bodybuilder Tuan Tran

What is it with natural bodybuilders, and why do they generally look so much better off (healthier, less bloat, sleeker, better proportioned) and have much more attractive bodies than, er, the other kind? The examples include Mike O'Hearn, Cleveland Thomas and Ulisses Williams Jr. In fact come to think of it, most of my favorites are naturals.

It may be due to the fact they train differently and is more about proportions, hard work and dedication as opposed to who can blow up like a sponge the fastest thanks to genetics.

Tuan Tran is a powerful, attractive looking bronzed guy that has a certain sort of spunky, working-class quality. He's got a lean, hard and sleek frame that looks like he could be a great acrobat. He's a lightweight, but I can't hold that against him because he's powerful and sleek, like a jungle cat. Besides, I'm a lightweight myself too... :-)

I can't imagine him as Beowulf, but I have a real feeling he'd be a great casting choice for a future film version of the Thief of Baghdad.

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