Saturday, March 14, 2009

Happy Pi Day

“If I feel unhappy, I do mathematics to become happy. If I am happy, I do mathematics to keep happy.”
- Alfréd Rényi

March 14th, or 3/14, is a good day to celebrate that most irrational of numbers, 𝚷. Pi is a mathematical constant used to reflect the ratio of a circle’s radius to its circumference. It’s a truly magic number – use it to 11 places, and can position a point on the planet earth accurate to a millimeter. Use it to 29, it can calculate the position of a hydrogen atom in the visible universe. In geometry, it’s usually used to figure out integrals that describe radius and circumference of circles, whereas in Calculus, it’s an important part of Gaussian’s integral, and just about any calculation that involves a physical universe.

Visit the Official Pi Day Website!

This website contains Pi up to one million places

I have a lot of good memories related to Pi Day. I was the only girl in my High School Engineering Club, where for the most part our days were spent in a gym, while our teacher showed us taped episodes of MACGYVER.

For those interested in Mathematics, check this great intro-level book out, by Winnie from the Wonder Years:

FACT: Movie star Natalie Portman, a Harvard grad and math student under her real name of Natalie Herschlag, has published several articles on mathematics.

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