Monday, September 8, 2008

Romantic Times Mike O'Hearn articles

Romantic Times, that rag, is responsible for inflicting Fabio on the world, that joke that just won't die. Nobody knew who he was until Romantic Times dragged him into the spotlight.

All the same, Romantic Times occasionally redeems itself. Take for instance this piece with the stunningly handsome Mike O'Hearn. There are lots of muscular men, but few of them are over 5'10" or particularly good looking. Likewise, there are lots of tall good looking men that aren't particularly muscular or strong or virile. Mike has it all!

Read it here.

What do the RT editors say about him?

You're a New York editor specializing in women's fiction. A hefty manuscript crosses your desk and features a hero who is a wealthy entrepreneur, an actor in a major film, a potential Olympian and Mr. Universe. Wouldn't you scribble "too unrealistic" in the margin and move on?

But a Topaz editor would know better, for their latest Celebrity Topaz Man, Michael O'Hearn–a debut cover model for Justine Dare's HEART OF THE HAWK–fits that profile exactly. His company, Michael O'Hearn Enterprises, is a thriving multifaceted fitness-oriented concern. And he's landed a substantial role in an upcoming film that will co-star Gary Busey and Mickey Rourke. (O'Hearn teams up with Busey's character to track down villain Rourke.)

And also, here's a second one:

Close your eyes and imagine the perfect hero. If a tall, handsome blond with cool blue eyes and a chiseled golden body comes to mind, then you must be thinking of Michael O'Hearn.

Couldn't have put it better myself! But somehow, being in a movie with Mickey Rourke wasn't the path to becoming a household name?

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