Monday, June 9, 2008

Story Reviews: The Office Boy, Future of Man

This story is rated:

You can find the story:

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Part 6

Part 7

Part 8

Part 9

Let me say the first thing I like about it that comes right to mind: it's a story broken up into several parts that actually finishes. It doesn't meander around aimlessly forever. Hallelujah! This story actually has a real ending with real resolution, as opposed to an ending created whenthe writer just gets bored with the whole concept.

The Office Boy is a story all about how sexy power relations and imbalances are, with a dopey office worker whose life is taken over by his erotic fixation with a young superstud office boy of the title that commands him with his body and sexual power, like a man-on-man version of a Film Noir, with our young stud definitely in the topper position.

Here's something I've always wondered when I read stories of this type: do the people that read this imagine themselves as the young handsome stud, or as the weakling ordinary older guy that he dominates?

I'd argue that the way this fantasy works is by contrast, so it's fundamentally all about the stud guy. He's worshipped. The reason he's paired up with some wuss that he controls is to show how virile and masculine and commanding the stud is, an alpha male compared to some scraggler. That kind of worshipful desire is probably, to my mind, indicative that most people identify with the muscle guy and not his weakling buttbuddy.

(By the way, when I read romantic books, I generally root for the man. Not only because romance heroines tend to be annoying, but also because it seems the men have to strive more. Then again, maybe I'm overthinking it, and I got a crossed wire somewhere. )

As for the story itself, it is a very sexy read.

The thing I like about it is the very real tenderness between the sexy young stud. It takes a while to show up, but it's there. Compared to the grunting, nasty version of human sexuality seen in these stories, some real tenderness is a wonderful thing.

The length of the story allows the writer to develop his idea most fully. It's got more ideas than the usual story of this type.

The prose style has some incredibly hot descriptions that just speak for themselves:

Then he pulled out and fell on top of me on the bed. And he fell asleep, right on top of me. Even though he was crushing me with his huge body, I didn’t want to move him. I wanted to feel him, to smell his sweat, to feel his huge muscles on top of me, to feel the muscles of a total man. I will probably never have that experience again, having 245 pounds of solid muscle sleeping on top of me. Even though he was sleeping, his muscles were firm and solid. I could feel the ridges of his pecs, the huge size of his legs that crushed my own skinny legs, the huge thickness of his shoulders. His chest and abs went up and down as he breathed and I could feel every breath. I licked his skin and tasted the salty sweat from his hard workout. Our bodies were so close, so together. It was almost like Alex was a part of me. A huge muscular stud that was a part of me. I was hard the whole time. I was in heaven. After about a half hour, he grunted and rolled over. Finally I went to sleep again.

Future of Man is another interesting story that's worth a second look.

Read it here.

The basic jist of this story is, a muscle stud from the future, Thor (great name!) comes and challenges mankind to everything, from baseball to sex. He's a very sexy, exotic stud, half Icelandic, half-African. "His balance was so perfect he actually performed ballet so beautifully he made men weep." There were a few other great moments. The story was an aggressive fantasy of a super alpha dog, and it's worth reading if you like that sort of thing.

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