Friday, July 18, 2008

Artist Roundup: Funbird

Now here's something you don't see everyday: today's artist, Funbird, is equally skilled as a writer. Now there's a Renaissance Man for you! He's also not very prolific, which I expect he does just to annoy me, because he knows how much I love his stuff.

You can always judge the success of an erotic writer by how well they can give you a new interest or fetish you didn't have before...or at least, make you aware of something that you didn't know you liked. In that respect, Funbird's "Emil Part 1" gave me a whole lot of things to love that are a part of my love of these kinds of stories even today: 1) a huge long tongue like a snake inside the mouth (the very idea of that is pretty exciting), 2) a muscular man with a youthful, handsome and almost girlishly beautiful face. Both those things have forever after been something I've looked for and found hot.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This has always been one of my favorite paintings. I wanted to give the character a powerful look croppping it above his hips. That's made some viewers wonder how big his.......well you know.